Prepare for Final Assignment Proposal Presentation

Today I practiced to have a presentation on Monday, November 15th . It will be my Final Assignment Proposal Presentation. I have to explain what I will do for my Final Assignment. Final Assignment is needed to be graduated as a bachelor. I hope everything will be fine on Monday.

My supervisor revised my presentation slide. I need to give more examples to make it clearer.  Besides revising my slides, she also asked to me to practice speaking in front of her. It was shocking since I have no preparation before. Then I try my best to explain my slide and pretending that it was the true presentation. Well, I found it difficult to explain clearly. I lost my words.  From that situation I plan to make such a draft for presentation scenario. Then after that I will follow what I will have planned. So it will be easier on Monday. Hope so…


hard decision

in almost end of this day, I want to write some unimportant note about my today’s experience.
It is about a week ago I start to wonder when I’ll be graduated from these university. Environment, assignments and all of other pressure I got made me want to run away and go as fast as possible to go from here. But it’ll not be so easy. But besides all of that I found that it is sometimes comfortable to be here (at a place called LP), sometimes it is difficult and feels so heavy to think that I’ll left all my beloved friends here and some other considerations made me so confused….it brings me to two choice, first, to graduate fast but being pressed with all assignments and doing final task in the same time and also all other responsibilities in student organization etc, and second, is to be focus on doing all my responsibilities and assignments now and final assignments later in the last semester means that I’ll graduate a little bit longer( 6 months longer)…
after a long and frustrating assesment, (take a deep breath)… today I said to my supervisor that I decided to be graduated in June (means 6 months longer)… is easy to say to her, but..after that…is this the right decision ??? don’t know…. just hoping for the best…


hujan begitu deras mengguyur bumi
seolah tak ada waktu lagi
air itu tumpah ruah dalam sekejap
membasahi semua yang dilewatinya
manusia berlari berantakan
sambil menggerutu menyumpahi hujan
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A step forward to be mature

The right quote for me today maybe : “It is not important of what happen to you in this life, but what most important is how your attitude towards it” I have heard about this quote since I was in senior high school. But it seems like I really feel it today. So many things happen in the past 3 years. Things happened to me uncontrollably. I mean, it is so unpredictable. I can’t figure it out. It was so different with things when I was in senior high school. I could do everything I want. I know where this step will go. I know what I want. I work hard to pursue my dream. But something wrong is that I don’t make a second plan, so when I couldn’t get my dream, I lost my way. Desperate and sad, it was me at that time. It is only about 1 year ago when I finally believe that this was happening to me!! Now, when I feel I ‘ve lost my past personality, I think that is false. I know I can. It doesn’t matter what happens to me, what most important is how I can handle it… We can’t determine what will happen, we can only plan, so we have to learn how to face it and perform the best attitude towards everything  cause anything can happen … 🙂

Satisfy All, is it really possible?

Life is full of choices. Everyday we make many choices. And of course we have to be responsible to all we’ve decided to choose. That’s the difficult ones.
When you have decided to do something, you need to give commitment to it especially if it relates to many people’s business. The problem is when you have more commitment than what actually you can do. You can not say sorry to people when you can not come for them because of your other commitment to other people. Usually we can do this. We ask for their forgiveness and understanding. Sometimes it is okay, but everybody has their own limit of patience. They might be hard to understand or accept our position even when you had tried so hard to satisfy all. It is so hurt if they can’t understand when you can’t come because you’re at the same time is in another place doing your other responsibility. So what I can say is just “Don’t make too many promise or commitment”. In the end, we do unable to satisfy all the people

Defeated by the Small

This is a story about monkey and winds. Once upon a time, there is a monkey that is very proud of himself, he is so arrogant. It made many winds don’t like the monkey. They decide to discuss about it. They arrange to make competition for winds to blow up the monkey from the place of its rest on top of a tree.
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entering a new world

Since I was in senior high school, I had dreamed of being a succesful entrepeneur. I had a group of friend who wish the same thing. We worked together at that time under the guidance of a supervisor. Together, we made profit and succeeded in giving high return value of stockholders. We made a small company and learned to make money for a high value of stocks. It was a bussiness simulation. I got many bussiness experience.

After graduating from high school, we have to be apart since we take different universities. And I was here in information technology, yeah, far from bussiness related major. Actually I prefer accountancy more but I am just afraid of the exam since my formal education background was natural science and not social science where we learn accountancy more.  My ex bussiness partner from other simulation company hinted me in a meeting for farewell. He were going to Jakarta to a fancy bussiness school. Yeah, what a lucky person.

Actually there is no wrong to be in information engineering. Being an engineer doesn’t mean I am unable to manage such a bussiness. I said it to myself and promised to open a bussiness in Surabaya where I will continue my study.

But the fact seemed didn’t support me. I was too busy with college stuff, not only the courses and their assignments but also the orientation program set by seniors. Those were all frustating me and making me far away from bussiness. When the condition finally starting slowly to becomes normal where I have finished my orientation program, I have an opportunity to start a bussiness. But the fact was that it was difficult to find partner with same interest in bussiness. Well, then slowly I forgotting my will.

In the end of the fourth semester, which means now, I have pretty long time for holiday. Although I still have many activities in college-most of them were from student community-, I still have enough time for my self to get relax and most importantly think deep. I contemplate much in this time.

After such a long contemplation, I decided to start my bussiness as soon as possible. The idea had been in my mind for a long time, waiting to be realized. then I contact some of my old friend that I think would be interest and told them about my idea. And thankfully, they agreed to realize it. Finally I get partners. Then we arrange such meeting and define what to do and who will do it.  My idea was to make an online shop selling handicraft from many places. Now I am learning to make the site while my friends are trying to find many kind of handicrafts. It feels so good to me, knowing that I will come into the world I like.

Today I came to the city library and read some magazines there. One of them was a magazine called PENGUSAHA. Coincidently, the magazines I took in that edition were discussing about young entrepeneurs. Many stories of success there. I got a wider knowledge of bussiness and I feel I am more ready to face it.  I am more motivated than before. Thanks for the magazine team.

Well, a quote from intisari magazine to end this post ”

A change happen not because somebody wants to change and others not but because there are people who are ready to change and people who are not ready.  (James Gordon).

Girl Games

Yesterday I found interesting games, try to open this :

Like it so much

going to the doctor

Today, I went to RSU Dr. Saiful Anwar. It is a big hospital in Malang, my hometown.  I was not going to visit any body there. I needed to see a doctor . I had to consult about my illness.  Recently, my chest becomes painful if I turn my body to left or right. It is happen after I had cough for about a month. I think this is related with my sinusitis. yes, I have a sinusitis. It is a disease caused by presence of mucus in the hollow underneath our cheek. So I went to an Ear Nose Throat Specialist or in other word an otolaryngologist.

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I am one of the sims 2 lover but it’s been a long time not to play the game, maybe about 2 years. And now when I have free time and have intenet connection at home, I try to find some pics of the sims2. And then unintentionally I found fantastic picture of the sims3!! yeah, next year, 2009, it will be launch. I can’t wait to try the sims3..look at the much like real..!!

one of fantastic screenshot

one of fantastic screenshot

find it in

Sirikit Syah

"Ngelmu iku kalakone kanthi laku"